Once again the time of year has come to start applying Potassium nitrate to our greens. This product is excellent for preparing our greens for the winter and helping them to recover from the summer stress but it is a major pain to mix up and get into solution as anyone who has dealt with it before can attest. Most people, as we have in the past, mix the product a little at a time in a five gallon bucket and add it to their spray tank hoping they can get it all mixed up before they run out of room in the tank.
Well we wanted to find a better, easier, less time consuming way of getting the product into a solution and into the sprayer. As the old saying goes, "Necessity is the mother of all invention" and this is what we came up with.
When we came in this morning all of the product was melted down into solution and ready to be added to the sprayer. We used the pump to transfer the solution to the sprayer in just a manner of minutes which would have taken us close to an hour and a lot of frustration on Willie's part to get all the product melted down and ready to go. The drum was then filled back up with water and the rest of the sprayer filled up rinsing the tank and the sump pump all in one motion.
Granted this is a "prototype" of the design but it worked great and saved us a ton of time and effort and I feel did a better job of getting the product properly dissolved for application.