Friday, September 2, 2011

Record Month of August

August 2011 will go down as the driest month on record at Harrison Bay.  We received a record low of 0.02"of rain and had 29 days of above 90 degree temperatures with 102 degrees being our highest recorded temp.  The golf course is surviving and holding up well under the environmental and golfing pressures, mostly due to the hard work of our staff.  Willie has put in some long hours applying wetting agents and extra water to dry areas around the golf course.  We have replaced or repaired 19 heads that were malfunctioning and Mitch and Kevin repaired a severe leak at the front entrance.  The greens are recovering from aerification but the heat is slowing the process down some.  Hopefully September will not be as bad although the forecast for this weekend calls for highs of 97 and 98. 

Stay tuned for some exciting news about the Harrison Bay Bald Eagles. 

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