As 2011 comes to an end and I look back at a very successful year at Harrison Bay I have to say I am very pleased with all that we have accomplished this year. It has been a little over a year since I started this blog and it has been fun to show you what is going on at the golf course. Our golf course maintenance staff has made several improvements to the golf course this year including the renovation of the front nine greenside bunkers, providing better putting surfaces with the addition of John Deere Walking Greens Mowers to our fleet, irrigation renovation to some of the greens, beginning the renovation process of the native grass areas on the course, and improving and expanding our environmental stewardship activites. My crew is very dedicated to the golf course and I have to express my pride in thier work.

2012 looks to be another exciting year at Harrison Bay. Our
Eagle Cam Project should be up and running soon, the renovation project of the back nine greenside bunkers is in full swing, we will continue renovating the irrigation around some of the greens, renovation of the native grass areas will take place during the summer, and we are going to add some mallard duck nesting tubes to our environmental conservation program in the next few months. All in all 2012 should be an exciting and busy time at The Bear Trace at Harrison Bay. We hope everyone enjoys the improvements that we are making to the golf course and if you have any questions or comments about what we are trying to accomplish here just let us know. Hope to see everyone at the Trace in 2012. Happy New Year!!!